Monday, June 23, 2008


Cumber, the new foster is settling right in here. He is a much better fit for my life style and Sheba.
He has been in a home before, and even though this is a brand new adjustment for him, he is doing great. No chewing. My friend Deanna brought over a bag of toys today for Sheba and Cumber since Power wrecked all the toys around her. Sheba got a new green fuzzy toy with a "sweaker" inside, along with about 5 other toys, so both of them have been carrying them around the house and playing with them.
I had fun reading the new blogs from yesterday and today and looking at teh pictures. Scott really did a great job on the painting of Wrigley Field...I had no idea the kids were in the picture. I cab see why it was a big hit at the art fair this weekend.
Also excited about the family reunion in October. Jean was right on top of things by sending out the email with the details.
I was sorry that J/J did not have someone tour the house last night, but at least they have a clean house and a spark of interest.
I did not get much done today...I have to get on the ball and start moving with the insurance business. I have been running a fever and have been so tired. I don't know what the deal is....I am sick of going to the doctor, I have 3-4 more appointments in the next month, but I am also SICK to death of not feeling good.
No sports on TV tonight and no good shows so I might as well go to bed and read.


Lana Mae Kamer said...

Reading is always a good choice! Hey, it'll be great to see you in PDX. Be there before you know it! Tell your dog I can't wait to meet her!

The Hambergulars said...

Hope you feel better soon, sis! We have to have you in top form for the October family trip!