So to get things started I will leave a few memories of those historical accidents, and I ask all of you to add along in the comment section....lets see how many we can come up with.
- Bill racing up the driveway at 455 Lakewood on his tri-cycle, head down, concentrating on how FAST he was going, only to run into the back light of the gray 1948 Ford parked in the drive. The car was there when he started his is not like it materialized out of the blue.....resulting in stitches in his head
- Jim riding his 2 wheel bike up the street were the Buter's lived, riding fast and the handlebars cracking off resulting in the steel rod going though his mouth and coming out the other side of his face....resulting in lots of stitches on the right side of his mouth.
- Carol waiting patiently for her turn to ride on the bag swing that used to hang where the garage is now built. Please make note of the piece of wood that was situated under the bag swing. Carol waits in the middle of the area where the swing will cross over and over. She gets hit in the head with the piece of wood.....continues to stand in the SAME spot, for another crack to the head....still wanting to ride, she stands in the same place for yet a THIRD whack to the head before she moves out of the way.....resulting in several stitches to her head.
- Jean riding her new blue new bike some where near Glerum school...the rest of us were sitting on the picnic table in the back yard eating popscicles...Out of the blue, Jean comes walking her broken bike and says...."AHHHH, I kinda fell"...... blood gushing out of her knee, along with many rather large pieces of gravel and asphault stuck in her knee which Uncle Jerry who was visting in the States from Arabia, promptly pulled out his Doctor's bag and tended to her knee. I remember she had on a cute blue frilly skirt and a white blouse.
- Jimmy closing his finger on and in the back door of Grandma Nykerk's house, the house directly west of 455....resulting in Aunt Mary and Grandma Nykerk screaming for "Leona....come get Jimmy, he cut off his finger...." Now we all know he never really lost a finger, but the tip was gone....this required a trip to the ER.....
- Bill, along with all of his cronies filling up a scare-a-crow in all human clothing and stuffing it to look like a body. Rigging said body up in the air and dropping it onto passing cars so it landed on thier windshield...prompting unknown drivers the scare of thier lives, certain they had just killed someone. Bill and said friends were long gone by the time the unsuspecting driver had a heart attack at the wheel.....
- All the neighborhood kids playing "7 steps around the house". This is an old time game where you are supposed to be blindfolded, or at a minimum, keep your eyes closed. Carol....the only one following directions proceeded to bang her head into the corner of the brick house at 455...resulting in a ton of laughs by her siblings and a trip to the ER for stitches in her head....about the same place she had them when assulted by the bag swing event some years previous.
- Jean, having just gotten her driver's license, backing out of the driveway at 455, sliding about 25 feet into Grandma Nykerk's flower garden...and saying..."How am I doing? ". I might add there was about 35 feet of snow on the driveway. No one was hurt except for Jean's ego.
- How about the time that Jeff pounded a board with a HUGE nail right though his hand...comes up stairs with a board nailed to his hand and shows Rachel that he missed his mission of pounding the board to another board and got his hand instead.
- I swear one of us got a fish hook in the eye as a result of some errant cast from another family member.....who did this happen to?
- OK....please start adding all of the events I have missed.....
I've been lucky enough to never have broken any bones (except my big toe but that doesn't really count). I did get bit in the face by Murphy though. I also walked into a tree while at Cedar Point when I was 6. Any of course that winter when I flipped my Honda Civic on the black ice on my way to Jen's...I remember Jenny getting a big fish hook in her foot while hopping out of my dad's boat at Clam Lake.
Don't forget the classic one when Dan was bit in the weener by a weiner dog when he was 2 years old. I heard enough bad jokes about that one over the years. Poor Dan ! I would rather have a nail through my hand !
Oh my! There are some rough accidental injuries. I was cringing a lot!!
I'm laughing my head off right now, remembering these (including a couple I was not aware of). I DO remember a time - I was probably around 10 or so? - baking cookies with mom at home, I removed the hot cookie sheet and kind of swung around with it in my hand - clipped Jimmy (I think it was Jimmy?) right above his eye with the hot tray. Not good. Also, please let us not forget the time when I accidently hit Barb Hoffman in the head with a baseball bat when I was swinging for the ball and she must have been catching? I recall a rather angry mother giving me the business on that one. Hey, it was accidental! As far as my girls, back on Cambridge Katie got a doggie bite near her lip on Christmas Eve when she was teasing Molly (or was it Nellie?) and got too close to her dogfood bowl. Rachel got a major scratch on her leg (still has a scar) when Splash came running full tilt and jumped right over her hed almost) in the back broken bones that I can recall, although I DID have a major sprain to my ankle at Disney World when I missed the last step getting off that bus...(ask my girls about THAT one.....) Great idea for a post, sis!
It was indeed Jimmy who had his eye taken out by a hot cookie sheet....back in the day when the stove was now where the fridge is. We also used to fry doughnuts at that spot, although I do not recall any incidents that requires a trip to the ER....
I also remember the time lighting struck the kitchen sink, back when the sink was located where the door to the dining now is.
I was going to mention the time Jean bit Barb Hoffman on the arm, but I did not see her arm and thus it cannot be proven.
I also remember being locked in the cellar, in the underground pit which resides in the my brothers, who strongly deny this ever happening.
I wonder if they remember sitting down in that dank, dark pit whenever there were tornado warnings.
Then of course there was our Dog Tippy, who got hit by a car on Christmas eve and had to spend the night at the vet. He was released the next day with casts on both hind legs....that slowed him down for a bit, he recovered just in time to be given to a "nice Black Family", prior to telling us children about the give-a-way.
Great post Aunt Carol :) I have not heard of a lot of those. I have never broken any bones myself, but I do have that scar on my leg. It's from climbing over the dog cage in our backyard on Cambridge to play with Molly and my leg scraped along the top of the wiring leaving a deep cut and scar (I'll always remember Molly). Molly bit Kate when she was teasing her while she was eating her food. Remember the lady who lived a street over from us (can't remember her name for the life of me), but we were teasing her little dog from outside the window. All of a sudden the door opened and that thing ran out and bit Katie right in the butt! I made it up on the swingset in time so it did not get me :) I guess we've had a lot of run ins with dogs.
Rachie - That lady that lived across the street was named Irene, I think. I forgot about that incident with Katie getting bit in the butt! Too funny, although at the time I didn't think so. I had that injury of yours mixed up a bit, didn't I? You got the scar from the dog run. Katie and I were IM'ing last night about thse posts and having some good laughs...
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