Monday, July 13, 2009


Short post....just to say I had a great time at the beach with Deanna. She did all the work, walked all 3 dogs, carried everything, cooked, the only mishap was Thursday night when I tried to help her pull out the hide-a-bed, I am certain I displaced my rib again as I cannot sit up or down, have to hold my stomach and back when I move or rise from a sitting position...
I called the doc and have an appt for day ofter tomorrow.
I still have not really processed the fact that my SSI went through and I am so happy I do not know how to act.
THANKS to everyone, all of you that have been praying and giving me support over the last 3 years....
I have a list of about 30 things to accomplish this week, I will take care of things one at a time, my first is to call the local SSI office to figure out what happens from here....when I might see some money, I am figuring it will take about 2 months....
I want to come to Michigan for the month of September. Or late August-the end of Sept. I am going to start looking to airline tickets, but plan on that time. I have too much to get taken care of and set in place here before I leave, so I need about 6 weeks to get my act together.
Doug and Val could very likely join me in Michigan for a week. Rachel had mentioned that she would figure out a way for them to stay at her house. That Rachel is a dream come true....she is the most amazing sister in law. I am so lucky.
I want D/V to be able to meet Dad, see the compound, see Jean and Scott...They are very simple people, but they have done so much for me, I want everyone to meet them.
so start planning now for a big party, or 10 big parties, or a party every day to celebrate my SSI situation. When I was at the beach, Val came and cleaned my house from top to nice to come home to a toally CLEAN house.
Especially after a 3.5 hour stand still on 1-5 north...we stood still for all that time, I was about NUTS by the time we finally got home. The 3 dogs in the back were also 1/2 nuts. Sheba had a 11th birthday at the beach. Deanna cooked great food for all 3 dogs in are on facebook.
More later...
The last picture is of Bubba....the last night before she went to her new adopted home....He wanted to lay right by Sheba for the last night they were together....Good ole Bubba is doing GREAT in his new home and his owner loves him to pieces.


Carol Sue said...

Actually the first picture is the one of Bubba and Sheba her last night here with us...

Rachel Nykerk said...

So glad you have all the SSI stuff behind you. Glad you had a fun time with Deanna and the dogs. Can't wait for you to come visit, hopefully Doug and Val will be able to come. We should have plenty of room for all of you when the boys go back to college.