Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 random things about me

Taking the cue from my Niece Brenda and my sister Jean...here goes
1. I was smarter than my 2nd grade teacher, she did not know her vowels.
2. I love Fricanno's pizza
3. I once won 5,000 in Las Vegas....I wish I had that money now
4. I used to fish every day with Dan Shinabarger at Oxbow lake in Saugatuck
5. I hate rice and mashed potatoes, in addition to banana's
6. I liked my place at the dinner table growing up, right between Mom and Dad
7. My friends Robin and Cindy and I used to be called the R and C kids because we drank rum and coke...I would puke if I even smell rum now.
8. I used to sew alot....I once made my brother Bill a suit
9. Floyd Mayweather, the boxer used to run my groceries home from Clarks grocery store when I lived in Grand Rapids, he would run backwards training for his next fight.
10. I love working cross word puzzles
11. My first day working at the Sheriff's Office I got locked in the jail
12. I adopted Sheba 4 years ago today
13. When Mom worked at the library I started dinner every night for her...I guess Jean was watching Andy Griffith
14. I remember like yesterday the day Jean drove down Mom and Dad's driveway, she was about 8 feet down the hill
15. I don't ever go to the movie theater, I can't sit still that long
16. I LOVE all my nieces and nephews, along with my grand-nieces
17. I love the game show network
18. I remember skinning my knee the day we found out Uncle Jerry and Aunt Rose had survived the burning on the ship they were on in 1960 by telegram and no one cared about my knee.
19. I cannot water ski or do a cartwheel like everyone else can.
20. I never studied much in college.
21. I think about my Mom every day, I miss her so
22. I like the saying: "Hey girl....."
23. I think the Trailblazers have a chance of getting into the playoffs this year.
24 My room-mate in college died in a car crash when I was a sophmore. It was really sad.
25. I love my Robert


The Hambergulars said...

Ahhhhhh, me watching Andy Griffith while you cooked supper each night? I don't THINK so....ha ha, really? Gosh, why don't I remember that?

The Hambergulars said...

By the way, I love the one about you getting locked in the jail - who are you, Barney Fife?

VandenBerg Family said...

#9...wow...that's cool!

Brenda Lee said...

lots of stuff I didn't know. I'd like to see the suit you made my dad. Can't believe you don't like mashed potatos!

Rachel Nykerk said...

You should go on the show Are you smarter than a fifth grader, you would blow them out of the water. We never have to worry about you running off with a circus !