I really have done very little of anything since Robert left. It is always an adjustment and I don't feel all that hot the last few days, almost like I am coming down with that pnueomia again. I sure that is NOT what it is. Not much energy and I have lots of things to catch up on, none of which sound like much fun.
I have to get some new stuff loaded on the ETSY shop, and I also joined a place, also on line called "artfire.com". It is like ETSY, but much smaller. It is however cheaper to post items on that site, however I do not know how much traffic it gets. Jean also joined Artfire...
Did I tell you about the Benz having a dead battery when Robert got here? He had asked me to "charge it" the night before he came, that did not work, so he did it again when he got here. All of a sudden, no instrument panel lights, no oddometer or speedometer, etc.....We dropped it off at the shop on the way to the beach. Suffice to say, after a $2,850.00, ( not a typo) we were told that a Mercedes can never be "jumped". You have to take out the battery, chrage it and put it back in.....The part alone, ( Instrument cluster was over 1,500 )
The Battery was dead becuase I never drive that car. Suffice to say I am going to drive that car at least one time a week to keep the darn thing charged.
It sounds like Jen is coming to Holland tomorrow for Dinner at Bill's and Grandpa is invited. I am certain it will be the highlight of his week. It is so great the girls invited him.
Glad to hear that Katie had a great surprise Birthday party hosted by Dave and Rachel.
Rachel N: You should be leaving for Florida soon....I remember the airline ticket fiasco.....I have used the gismo used to weigh luggage more times than you can imagine in the last few weeks. It really comes in handy.
Happy belated Birthday to Brenda and Katie.
GPA is having a Valentine Gala which includes a greyhound "Fashion Show" where the dogs will be stylin coats that will be auctioned off to the audience. Sheba is a model and she has been practicing prancing around the house with her head lifted in the air. I will be sure to get pictures. It is on the 24th of Feb.
GPA took in 35 news dogs due to a track closing, all of whom need foster homes, so I will be getting "Cooper" this Thursday. He is a little guy and only 3 years of age. Sheba kind of misses not having a foster here to boss around and she is really missing her Daddy, just like her Mommy. She has her senior bloodwork panel done on Thursday, and Cooper is having his neuter done the same day, so Thursday might be a little crazy around here, with a dog recouping from surgery and Sheba suffering from all her shots. Cooper has never been in a home before, so that always takes a couple of weeks for them to adjust.
I am going to see if this blog posts......lets get those blogs updated gals!!!!
Carol and Sheba
1 comment:
Nice to see you blogging again Carol. Sorry that Robert had to leave so soon. The sunsets are beautiful! I will look forward to the regal Sheba pictures, I am sure she will be a star. You are a saint for taking in another greyhound. I just had Tansy for the last time before I leave for Florida sat. ( thank goodness)
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